Episode 27: A Canadian Expat in Norway

August 1, 2016


Norway conjures romantic visions of winter, at least for me. Fjords, dramatic coastlines and winter. And a hearty people. All those things and more as we connect with Hahn Vincent, spending her summer back in Canada, off from school. Hahn shared her insights on Norwegian people, and as important if not more, Norwegian food. You’ll also learn a lot of Norwegian words, so bust out that Norwegian-English dictionary that’s been collecting dust on the shelf.

Image by Jørn Eriksson. Used under Creative Commons License.

One comment on “Episode 27: A Canadian Expat in Norway

  1. Patricia Moore Aug 2, 2016

    The brown cheese I found in Edmonton at a deli years ago.It is delish on a graham wafer topped with a dollup of jam.